What Causes Neck Pain?
Our neck, also called cervical spine, is the base of our head and can move it in nearly every direction, this flexibility makes the neck very susceptible to pain and injuries. Neck pain can be very bothersome, and it can have many causes like injuries and accidents; a sudden and abrupt movement causes a whiplash movement that can damage the area and causes neck problems. Other causes like degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis or the degenerative disc that are medical conditions and are based in the cervical spine and the nerves and physical conditions as the obesity and a poor posture.
Neck pain is quite annoying and partially limits our daily activities. A great alternative to get rid of this problem is the visit to a chiropractor like Dr. Gill, who can diagnose in an objective way and help us to relieve the pain. Through physical examination and even through certain medical studies like x-rays she will create a complete diagnosis to be able to rule out any secondary problem and give a more effective treatment.